Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Coffee prices soared, Employers Hold Luwak Coffee Prices

Jakarta - West Lampung Entrepreneur Luwak Coffee Luwak coffee prices to hold despite the current trend of green coffee prices continued to climb. Employers claim to still enjoy a margin even though the price of coffee from the farmers has gone up since last 3 months. 

"The selling price of civet coffee while not rise, we keep the consumer and subcribers Luwak coffee, let me not run," Gunawan said the owner of King Civet, West Lampung, when contacted detikFinance, Tuesday (03/08/2011). 

Gunawan explain 2-3 months ago the price of red coffee (raw) Lampung was still being extended to Rp 10,000-13,000 per kg. While the current price of coffee has gone up perched dikisaran Rp 17,000-18,000 per kg. 

During this every civet coffee production, from every 1 kg of red coffee consumed only by the mongoose / mongoose quarter alone. Thus, in one kilogram of raw coffee was little to be Luwak coffee powder. 

"The increase is I do not know exactly, but he said because of the weather," he said. 

He added that civet coffee price in the form of milled grain or not is still to Rp 450,000 per kg, while the price of civet coffee powder in Lampung was Rp 600,000, for the price in Jakarta berkisara Rp 700,000 per kg. 

"If we of civet coffee maker, even though the price of coffee rose from the market side is not no problem," he said. 

Gunawan said the sale of coffee luwaknya remains relatively stable with a volume per month to 5 quintals of raw (bronjol). As for civet coffee powder per month only 200 kg per month. 

World coffee prices on the London Stock Exchange NYSE Liffe robusta coffee price for delivery in May 2011 last week had reached U.S. $ 2,390 per metric ton. While the average price in January and is still in the range of U.S. $ 2,127 per metric ton, the price was a record for the highest price in 14 years. 

Source : http://www.detikfinance.com/read/2011/03/08/112551/1586695/4/harga-kopi-melejit-pengusaha-kopi-luwak-tahan-harga

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