Monday, March 21, 2011

New Logo 40 Year Gait Starbucks

Jakarta - The long journey for 4 decades as a coffee leader Starbucks, yesterday marked with their logo change simultaneously in 17,000 Starbucks outlets worldwide. On the anniversary of this time also Starbuck launched Tribute Blend and Starbucks Barista in Batik.

In order to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Starbucks around the world launch of the newest Starbucks logo done yesterday (8 / 3) at Starbucks outlets Grand Indonesia. In addition, special moments are also enlivened by the launch of Cake Pops as one of the Starbucks petites, Tribute Blend Starbucks, Barista in Batik, as well as a series of CSR programs and promo-promo other Starbucks. 
The green color is still a distinctive color on the logo below with their new logo mermaid who became his trademark. The changes seen in the outer ring of black lines that read "Starbucks Coffee" which is now completely eliminated. The new logo looks more mature, dynamic, and globally, so it is fitting to present the Starbucks brand globally.

Over the past 4 decades, Starbucks has created a coffee house culture that change people's experience in coffee and foster emotional connection of a cup of coffee. In March of this addition, they want to give tribute to each connection that is formed by introducing three new menus: Cocoa Cappuciono, Petites and Starbucks Starbucks Blend Tribute.

"It's been 40 years Starbucks is present worldwide and 9-year presence in Indonesia and get a very good response and positive. So we try to create moments of connection with customers by reaching them even closer," said Anthony Cottan as the Director of Starbucks Coffee Indonesia.

Cocoa Cappuciono made of espresso-scented caramel, mocca, and hot milk which had a soft thick foam topping. While Starbucks Petites - Confectionary was composed of tiny and Whoopie Pie Cake Pops. Cake Pops lollipop is shaped like a candy-covered chocolates. It looks unique and is offered three flavor is vanilla butter cake and chocolate icing wrapped in pink, chocolate butter cake layered dark chocolate as well as air-topping marshmallows and almonds, and vanilla butter icing cake and mocha and chocolate-covered coffee beans. While Whoopie Pie is a cute fluffy cake pieces.

Tribute Blend Starbucks itself is a mixture of 4 different types of coffee. Consisting of a mixture of aged Sumatra, sundried Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea and Colombia. Fourth Coffee is derived from 3 growing regions and for the first time using 3 different methods of processing coffee. As the name Starbucks Blend Tribute offered as a tribute to its customers, partners and also appreciation for coffee farmers over the last 40 years.

As part of this celebration of 40 years, Starbucks is also working with TIKshirt pioneered by Iwet Ramadan to design a special t-shirts for the baristas Batik them."Batik is the local relevance of this celebration. Besides, we also hold pogram invites visitors to do the 'Visiting Batik Museum' at all Starbucks outlets spread across 8 cities in Indonesia, except for Aberdeen because they batik museum located quite far away," explained Farah Milda as GM Operation Starbucks.

Barista in Batik is scheduled to take up to 2 months ahead at all Starbucks outlets across Indonesia. "In the near future, Starbucks will be coming soon in other cities in Indonesia: Batam, Makassar, and Solo. So just wait!" Milda message.

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