Friday, March 4, 2011

Why Coffee Triggering defecate?

Hawaii Roasters 100% Kona Coffee, Medium Roast, Whole Bean, 16-Ounce Bag

For some people coffee might be able to make it stay focused and awake, but for others drinking coffee can actually make abdominal pain or bowel movement. Why is that?

Most people know that coffee contains some caffeine. Caffeine content varies depending on the brand and also the processing of coffee beans. It turned out that caffeine is a stimulant that has also caused the large bowel movements that trigger a sense of heartburn or abdominal pain.

As quoted from eHow, Friday (24/12/2010) This well-known stimulant to encourage contraction of the muscles in the digestive tract including the bowel. When these contractions occur, the remnants of metabolism or waste in the body will be encouraged to be issued, which raised the feeling of heartburn that eventually trigger someone to defecate.

Although coffee may help stimulate someone to defecate, but he could not be used as a medicine constipation or constipation. This is because coffee is a diuretic, which is interesting and removing fluid from the body. So there is the possibility of coffee would only worsen the condition of those people who are constipated.

Besides caffeine, the oils in coffee can also cause stomach upsets. Therefore if the content of caffeine from a coffee higher, it will increase in stomach contractions that make it faster to feel heartburn.

However, coffee also has some health benefits from not consumed in excess. This is because the caffeine contained in coffee can lead to dependence.

Based on the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, coffee has some very useful benefits for the body. Coffee beneficial as plant stamina and pain relief at lower doses of caffeine, bring fresh feeling, a little excited, and liver will release glucose into the bloodstream resulting in extra energy.

For that if someone felt the heartburn or bowel movements after drinking coffee, it is possible that there is caffeine content in coffee was too high.

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