Monday, March 28, 2011
Starbucks Will Not Raise Price Coffee Packaging
JAKARTA: PT Mitra MAP (MAP) Tbk, Indonesia Starbucks license owner on behalf of PT Sari Coffee Indonesia, will not raise the selling price of coffee packaging though American coffee outlets that implement selling price increases by 12% to the international level.
As is known, the Starbucks Corp. coffee price increase to U.S. $ 9.99 from the initial price of U.S. $ 8.99, after soaring commodity prices.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Indonesian Coffee Exporters to Germany's Third Largest
London (ANTARA News) - Indonesia is the third largest coffee exporter to Germany and although the economic crisis hit the world, Indonesia can export 84 thousand tons of coffee to Germany during 2009 or the third after Brazil and Vietnam, according to the correspondence between the Consulate General Hamburg, Sunday morning pm.
Secretary General of the German Coffee Association, Holger Preibisch in business meetings and lunch with the Consul General Hamburg Teuku Darmawan said German consumer coffee robusta and arabica coffee like Indonesia because it was unique and good quality.
Coffee Bags, New Friends at the moment you relax, Malang: You like to drink coffee? Now there is a unique way to makeit unique flavorful beverage. A resident Kepanjen, Malang, East Java, managed tofind the latest innovation: the coffee bags.
According to Emmy electric, coffee powder dosing differences affect the taste.That's what inspired the Emmy in creating a uniform sense. Emmy typical productsmade from coffee beans were nicely packaged option nan interesting.
Character of the coffee drunk person who likes coffee incoming!
Who does not know coffee? not just older people, coffee is now a lifestyle among young people. This view is supported same coffee shop that made dijadiin good hangout place. this time ts katakter going to give us info about someone from the preferred coffee ... cekidot
1. Instant coffee
This is the most demanding coffee or consumed by modern society. Easy and prakatis. Staying buy in a store, then poured boiling water over a small cup, stir and ready to drink deh. Many fans of this coffee is blasphemed, by the fans of coffee mania, of course, as fans of seasonal or coffee at any time. Indeed, this coffee fans just want to enjoy a coffee once in a while and not intense. And it shows the personality of those who love something fast and immediately, without much effort. They say: "Coffee Only Kok Repot?".
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Bali Back to Coffee ...
BALI, - After enjoying the sweetness of agriculture horticulture, vegetables, the government and citizens of the northern island of Bali now realize that their farms cause environmental damage. Now, they determined to return to the coffee plantations that are better suited to protect nature, as well as restore the heyday of coffee from Bali.
Global Coffee Story
What would you do if your idea was rejected and abused and even considered insane by 217 people of 242 who had been invited to speak? Give up? Or even more excited?If this last option that you do, perhaps someday, a dream of making world-class business could be yours.
Well, that's a true story experienced by Howard Schultz, who is considered the most instrumental in bringing Starbucks coffee shop. "A cup of coffee and a half dollars? Crazy! Who wants? Geez, do you think this will work? The Americans will never spend one and a half dollars for coffee, "that's a little of the many insults received by Howard, when spawned the idea to change the concept of Starbucks sales.
Delicious cakes Without Alcohol and Rum Cake and Coffee in Green
Bandung - Eating a variety of delicious cakes and desserts but without the alcohol and rum now you can enjoy at Green Cake and Coffee. More than 50 cakes and dessert items that were there, they did not use alcohol and rum.
"Maybe it's a lot of cake shops in Bandung. But what distinguishes, in this we do not use alcohol-based ingredients and rum. So for the anti with both, not to worry," said Head of Operations Green Cake and Coffee to detikbandung.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
We recommend that you select what type of coffee beans?
Before we discuss further, it's good I have to say about the types of coffee available.Actually there are more than 60 species of coffee. Among these species, only 2 developed a large scale for consumption of coffee connoisseurs. Both types are Arabica and Robusta. Both have typical, distinct taste and aroma.
Quality espresso without a coffee machine, Hmm ...
Could we make a good espresso without an espresso machine? If you do not use an espresso machine, then use what? And what about the quality of taste and aroma? Not only is this question that will be discussed this time, but also how and tools as well. So stay tune with us.
Before we talk further, it helps me explain briefly about the espresso. Espresso coffee extract can be interpreted as a very thick and dense. Coffee extract is usually used as basic material for making various kinds of coffee servings as you find in the coffee house in general. In addition there are also coffee lovers who like to drink espresso all this up.
Content of Coffee More Than 500 Calories
America - The whole world of people drink an average of 500 billion cups of coffee per year.
Every day, half of America's population consumes coffee in one of about 24,000 cafes and coffee shops that exist in the country. But if the hidden content in coffee drinks, so many people enjoy it?
There are many researches about the health effects of coffee consumption. On the positive side, several studies have suggested an association between coffee and the low level of casualties due to Parkinson's Disease, Diabetes Type 2 and short-term memory loss.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Bad Mood? Drinking Coffee Only!
Jakarta - Medium feel bete aka bad mood today? Work is piling up and the deadline could create a feeling so uncomfortable and completely wrong. A cup of hot coffee in the morning it can make your mood better.
It is better to start now consider food and beverages you consume. Because according to John La Puma, MD, author of Chef MD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine, food can affect mood to be good.
Food or drinks not only makes a full stomach and meets the nutritional needs for the body. But it also can be a mood modifier. Here are some foods or beverages that can improve and change the mood:
A cup of coffee should be 140 liters of water - How much water is needed to serve a cup of coffee? Some of you might be easily answered, "Certainly one cup." But, based on the Water Footprint, the average amount of water needed to serve a cup of coffee is 140 liters.
How come? Water Footprint calculates not only the water used to brew coffee, but also the total water needed to grow and maintain coffee, harvest, and process until the beans are ready to be milled, distributed, until finally presented in the table.
Monday, March 21, 2011
New Logo 40 Year Gait Starbucks
Jakarta - The long journey for 4 decades as a coffee leader Starbucks, yesterday marked with their logo change simultaneously in 17,000 Starbucks outlets worldwide. On the anniversary of this time also Starbuck launched Tribute Blend and Starbucks Barista in Batik.
In order to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Starbucks around the world launch of the newest Starbucks logo done yesterday (8 / 3) at Starbucks outlets Grand Indonesia. In addition, special moments are also enlivened by the launch of Cake Pops as one of the Starbucks petites, Tribute Blend Starbucks, Barista in Batik, as well as a series of CSR programs and promo-promo other Starbucks.
Cheese Coffee, Yum Yum ... Fragrant soft!
Jakarta - Bored with by-the bread unyil if visiting the city of rain? Bogor turns out also has a modern bakery bread that must be visited fans. Many different types of bread, coffee became such flagship Coffee or Coffee Bun Cheese that tastes soft and yummy!Not much of a modern bakery shops in town this rains.
In addition to 'Venus' is famous for its bread unyilnya, the name of Michelle's Bakery was also already well known not only by citizens of the city of Bogor. Bakery is located in the crowd Jl.Pajajaran Raya, Bogor, so do not be too difficult to find.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Black and White Coffee The coffee steeping Style
Surabaya - For some people, through the night without coffee is a void. This black drink was as a condition for the realization of warmth at night. In the morning even more enjoyable while you relax.
But coffee also need to be modified, need to touch to be a friend breaking the silence of the night. As Black and White Coffee modification is simple elegant.
But coffee also need to be modified, need to touch to be a friend breaking the silence of the night. As Black and White Coffee modification is simple elegant.
Barista, WHO prepares and serves espresso-based coffee drinks.
Coffee drinking habits have become a lifestyle kota.Ini society that makes the development of coffee shops popping up like mushrooms in rainy season. And the key to the success of a coffee shop could not be separated from the peracik coffee barista. Even in Australia, the barista profession has such a hairdresser. Wherever the barista go, loyal customer following.
Once entering the area coffee shop or an international coffee shop, coffee aroma is fragrant and evocative sense of direct "tickle" the sense of smell. Delicious cup of cappuccino pictured at the head. The tongue did not wait to taste the pleasure of a cup of cappuccino or espresso itu.Kenikmatan at the coffee shop would not be separated from the cold hand of a figure who blended coffee barista with other ingredients in the coffee maker.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
5 Countries of the world's largest coffee producer
1. Brazil
Currently, Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world and an important player in the coffee industry. According to statistics from the UN Organization of Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO), Brazil produced about 2.59 million tons of green coffee per year. Therefore, coffee is now regarded as the main products that generate wealth and stimulate the growth of all agricultural and industrial nation. For domestic consumption, coffee stands among the most favorite drinks to Brazil, and every year, one million tons of coffee produced to meet domestic demand.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Drink Coffee for Decreasing Risk of Stroke - There are many reasons why we need to drink coffee in the recommended amount. This is because, from various studies, showed that coffee offers many health benefits. Of reducing pain during exercise, sharpens the brain, preventing cervical cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, to fight obesity. Today, coffee drinkers, especially women, also known tend to have a lower risk of stroke.
Coffee, Making his Drinking Feeling Pumped, Jakarta: When talking about coffee, everyone knows if the famous drink, get rid of sleep. Besides it feels good, drinking coffee has become a lifestyle most people in big cities, like Jakarta.
How to Recognize the Difference Between Arabica and Robusta Coffee Beans
One word: quality. You may have long as a coffee drinker and still feel confused by differences in the form of coffee beans, as arguably, quite common among consumers of coffee. All you need is a little education, and you will select and discuss the best quality coffee beans in no time! The latest news is that as a coffee lover, you have to buy 100% Arabica beans because they are higher quality than Robusta viewed as a less expensive filler. Arabica and Robusta are the two main types of coffee plants out there, and both have very distinct qualities that differentiate them.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
First Time in Indonesia coffee princess selection event
JAKARTA, - Ministry of Culture and Tourism has prepared several events to support the promotion of tourist destinations and attract domestic and foreign tourists. One of them is the operation of Coffee Prince beauty contest.
"In Colombia there are events such as Miss World but coffee. We just try to follow this once for campaign Indonesian coffees," said Director of Marketing Kemenbudpar, Sapta Nirwandar, Monday (03/08/2011). He added that Indonesia is one of the largest coffee producer in the world. International-level event will take place in Colombia in November 2011. As for the national level, said Seven, will be held in April 2011.
Coffee prices soared, Employers Hold Luwak Coffee Prices
Jakarta - West Lampung Entrepreneur Luwak Coffee Luwak coffee prices to hold despite the current trend of green coffee prices continued to climb. Employers claim to still enjoy a margin even though the price of coffee from the farmers has gone up since last 3 months.
"The selling price of civet coffee while not rise, we keep the consumer and subcribers Luwak coffee, let me not run," Gunawan said the owner of King Civet, West Lampung, when contacted detikFinance, Tuesday (03/08/2011).
Monday, March 7, 2011
Senseo Medium Roast Coffee, 18-Count Pods (Pack of 6)
Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars taste,
Neeltje Dalman -
We have tried several brands of coffee pads, even the local store brands in The Netherlands, but only one has the right taste and that is Douwe Egberts Senseo pads. We prefer medium. Delightful cup of coffee. Neighbors make excuses to knock on the door, because they know we invite them in for a Dutch coffee.
In comparison with prices, they are quite a lot cheaper in Europe. So we brought an extra suitcase loaded with 2000 Senseo pads back home. Hope prices will come down somewhat, in spite of the discounts it is a rather expensive "cup a java" in the States.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Delicious Mandheling Coffee - your coffee connoisseur? 've never heard of or enjoy Mandheling coffee? If not, do not claim to be a true coffee connoisseur. At least you know what Mandheling coffee, though it may have never tasted it. Hmm ... Mandheling coffee? Coffee is that? From which areas?
Ehem ... I also know that not long ago actually. It was after chatting via cyberspace with a friend. He told me if it turns Sidikalang besides coffee, coffee of Aceh, and other coffees from the regions in Indonesia and well known to the world, there is also the name Mandheling coffee. Mandheling word itself is a mention of strangers against Mandailing word, which is one of a tribe in North Sumatra. When slightly lengthen, Mandailing Natal (Madina), well that is the name of the district there, which was about 12 hours from the city of Medan.
7 Tips for Healthy Drinking Coffee
To me, the best blogging friends in the morning is coffee. In patients with hypertension (high blood pressure-ed) I am often asked about their habits of drinking coffee. It is not surprising if in fact they were drinking an average of 5 cups of coffee a day! Then I also advised them to leave the habit of drinking coffee, and coffee from Indonesia has a high taste and popular throughout the world. Loss? Well, before joining the group of people who should not drink coffee and could only swallow hard to see anyone else kissing the sweet black this, it helps us to know "7 Tips for Healthy Drinking Coffee" the following:
Coffee Arabica and Coffee Robusta
Although worldwide there are about 70 species of coffee trees, from the size of shrubs to trees with a height 12 meters, but there are only two species of coffee trees that are generally known to be produced as a product of coffee. Both these species are used for production of about 98 percent of world coffee production. What are they? Coffee was first developed in the world is Arabica Coffee from the species Coffea arabica coffee trees. This type of coffee is the most widely produced, which is about more than 60 percent of world coffee production. Arabica coffee from Coffea arabica species produce the best type of coffee. The tree species is usually grown in upland areas. Coffee tree height is between 4 to 6 meters. Arabica coffee has a caffeine content of not more than 1.5 percent and has a number of chromosomes as many as 44 chromosomes.
Coffee, A Cup of Delicious Drinks
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks a lot of people. Of every three people in the world, one of which is a coffee drinker. Coffee is so delicious when taken eithermorning or at night when work is piling up.
Coffee is one of the most enjoyed drink a lot of people, not just diteguk only, but also enjoyable. Coffee business has become a business tens of billions of dollars, which can only be rivaled by the petroleumbusiness.
Friday, March 4, 2011
[Tip] How to make "Ice Milk Coffee Soda"
1. 5 tsp instant coffee
2. 5 tsp sugar
3. 5 tablespoons hot water
4. 625 cc of cold liquid milk
5. 375 cc of cold soda
6. 5 tablespoons small dots ice cream (flavor may be what aja, tp klo yg SIIP I use vanilla flavor)
1. mix instant coffee, sugar and hot water. stir until sugar dissolves.
2. Enter into the cold liquid milk and let stand until completely cool.
How to serve:
- put the milk in a cup of coffee mixture, then enter the ice cream and pour chilled soda water.
source :
Enjoying a cup of coffee in the city of Bandung,Indonesia
Coffee, drink this one is always the top choice for some people, like those who are lovers of coffee or make copies as needed. In Bandung has many of the Coffee Shop. However, not all of the Coffee Shop can provide comfort and facilities.
One of the Coffee Shop that offers comfort for the visitors is Selasar Coffee Coffee Selasar contained in SSAS (Selasar Sunaryo Art Space), is often a choice place to hold events such as theater art performances, exhibitions of paintings, art and book launch konteporer.
Enjoying a cup of coffee really is the right choice while enjoying the cool atmosphere in the Coffee Selasar. In addition to coffee-based beverages, coffee Selasar also offers many other drinks menus. So for OpenRicers who do not like coffee, continue to spend time while enjoying the other menus such as tea soda bites, Choc Milkshake, Cookies and Fruit Punch Selasar that could be the right choice.
As for the food menu, Coffee Selasar also presents interesting menus such as Tuna Finger Sandwich and choice of Selasar dessertnya Tiramisu. And for the price they give quite affordable, so Coffee Selasar is the right choice for OpenRicers who wish to seek a new atmosphere.
Source : Foto : flirck,
Why Coffee Triggering defecate?
For some people coffee might be able to make it stay focused and awake, but for others drinking coffee can actually make abdominal pain or bowel movement. Why is that?
Most people know that coffee contains some caffeine. Caffeine content varies depending on the brand and also the processing of coffee beans. It turned out that caffeine is a stimulant that has also caused the large bowel movements that trigger a sense of heartburn or abdominal pain.
Do not Drink Coffee and Supplements Together
Drinking caffeinated coffee that would make a person urinate frequently. If performed in conjunction with the consumption of supplements will make some important nutrients go wasted. Another problem that arises, there is the possibility of minerals and vitamins are involved react to caffeine in coffee.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Want to Sharpen Memory? Coffee Consumption and Strawberry!

Often forget to put the keys, remember a name or phone number? It may be that your memory has begun to weaken. By eating a particular food on a regular basis, memory can still be maintained sharpness.
A cup of coffee a day, Where is Enough!
okezone - Drinking coffee at a cafe or just a roadside stall to be one of many people's favorite lifestyle. Through a cup of coffee, warm chatter plus body achieve health benefits.
There are several reasons you should drink coffee for more than one cup a day. Here, as reported from Allwomenstalk.
Coffee dregs As An Alternative Materials biodiesel
Investigators in Nevada have reported that coffee grounds can provide an alternative material for biodiesel fuel cars and trucks are cheap, plentiful, and environmentally friendly.
In a recent study, Mano Misra, Susanta Mohapatra, and Narasimharao Kondamudi said that the main obstacle to wider use of biodiesel is the low availability of quality raw materials to produce new energy. Coffee grounds contain 11-20% oil by weight. This amount is equivalent to traditional biodiesel raw materials such as palm oil or soybeans.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Civet Coffee Making Process [+Pic]
Civet coffee is coffee beans mature trees are eaten by animals civet (Viverridae) and issued in conjunction with animal feces.
So, in the digestive mongoose, the beans remain intact undigested because of harsh, but undergo a process of mixing and fermentation with other mongoose food.
Benefits of coffee for the brain and stamina
Do you know that With no added sugar, coffee was to make the brain work and stamina is awake it's all because of caffeine content in it. Compound caffeine is a stimulant or plant stamina, so that caffeine is often used also as an ingredient in a mixture of energy drinks.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Make coffee Longevity?
Jakarta - Drinking a cup of coffee every day may become your routine. Unsweetened black coffee is good. And the coffee is also reportedly said the secret to the longevity of the population in Greece. How is this possible?
drink a cup of coffee in the morning or afternoon a mandatory routine most people in Jakarta. It seems not yet able to indulge the most if not already in touch with this black beverage. Some studies also found that coffee may prevent heart disease and help people live longer.
Research at the University of Athens found that by drinking a cup of coffee each day can increase the elasticity of arteries. So keep you from heart attacks due to arterial vessels are not working properly.
Coffee Jos Addict
In addition to famous jogja Beach tourism and historic buildings, there is my favorite culinary tour that night was at this famous man lek near the monument because the station provides a unique drink menu. this place is a favorite for students and tourists who come to enjoy the night jogjakarta.
Drink Recipe: Black iced Coffee
Jakarta - coffee enthusiast would love this cold drinks. Savory blend of soft chocolate ice cream with biscuit renyahnya plus aroma of coffee is ready caressing tongue. Hmmm ... tasty!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Coffee Really Make Sweet Memories sharp?
VIVAnews - Drinking hot coffee every day not only extend life expectancy. Starting the day with a sip sweet coffee, the brain's performance turned out to be more effective so that the memory increases.
Influence of coffee drinking sweet on the ability to remember a person has been found researchers at the University of Barcelona, Spain, as the Times Of India pages. The results have been published in the journal Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental.
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